5 Items Your Business Site Should Have
2021 is right at the corner and it is the best time to revamp your business website. Every year new technological advancements are materializing, and we must balance between these modifications. So how do you keep up with these alterations? — Simply through website development. Website development is nothing but just a way to optimize your business website for a far better reach and for making it more user-friendly.
Website development must be done from time to time as it is the need of the hour. And don’t you want to be ahead of your rivals? Think again.
So to make sure that you do not lag behind competitors, here’s a list of 5 items your business site should have. Let us begin.
1.Mobile Friendliness
You must be thinking why is mobile-friendliness the prioritized one? The answer to this is that it doesn’t matter how considerably your business website is performing in every other measuring platform but if it is not mobile-friendly then surely your website won’t be ranked on google pages. Why though? Because today Google sees your website’s mobile-friendliness as the most important criteria and if you can’t perform well in this you will surely lag.
Even if you keep aside Google’s criteria then also think about your website visitors and how they feel when they browse through your website on their mobile phones. They lose interest in your business because of your website’s unsatisfactory design. So, to keep up with these criteria you can take the help of a website development company or you can do it yourself too, it’s your choice.
2. Legibility & Readable

What is this now? Haven’t heard of it? To give you a brief introduction let us tell you that these two are the most impactful elements of your business website which should be dealt with with expertise. They not only affect your website’s UX but also play a great role in converting your potential customers into a permanent ones, therefore affecting your conversion rate.
How to tackle it?
Remember that everyone is using mobile phones, iPads, laptops and PCs and you very much know how big or small a screen can be and for your visitors, they must be able to read your provided content with clarity. So, how do you achieve such clarity? By these two elements:
- Legibility- Font Style, Contrast, Size, Background and Colour&
- Readability- Writing style, Formatting and Language
Now listing them was the easiest task but making your website stand out with help of these factors is another story. For this, you need an expert. You can contact certain agencies for website development in Dubai. It’s not that big of a deal.
3. Infographic Content
Nowadays what attracts your visitors the most is the briefly explained infographic images. Although they want long-format content, to begin with, they need something which will tell them that your content has everything for what they are looking for.
Another thing about infographics is that they are not always charts or imagery having minimal texts but can also be simple or plain pictures used for communicating through visual language. While using them do keep in mind that you aren’t posting random images onto your website pages which may cause distraction or confusion among your visitors.
You can get in touch with any web development agency and ask them to lend you a helping hand.
4. Speed matters
Fast pacing world, fast pacing lives, and therefore fast pacing business scenarios. Everything is getting speed up and you can’t afford to be left behind. Here comes the need for speed for your business website. To be truthful nobody likes a slowly crawling website. It is a big ‘no-no’ in today’s world. Customers want everything delivered to them in a split of seconds and you can’t argue with them. Can you? So, do yourself and your business a favor and provide your visitors with a fast loading website.
One of the most common reasons why a website is slow is its web design. To tackle this designing problem, you don’t have to go far to search for help. There are many agencies that can provide you with website development in the UAE. go reach out to them and let them take away your tension.
5. Easy Menu Navigation
Put yourself into the shoes of your website visitors and think how they want your website’s navigation to be? Should it be complex? Should it be simple and easy to access? What should be there in your menu? etc.
Menu navigation is a very crucial factor that plays an important role in maintaining your followers. It is the first thing with which your visitors interact. If your website navigation menu is frustrating and complex, then your visitors will not be able to find what they want and will leave within seconds. This will increase your bounce-back rate and your website will start to perform poorly. Thus, try and make your website less chaotic as possible for a better website layout.
Having a flawless website is not a hectic task. You can achieve this by implementing proper web designing which will aid you with a good user interface, website layout, and hassle-free interaction. All these can be done by yourself if you have expertise in this. But if you are a not-so-technical person then you can opt for website development agencies. If you have any doubts regarding their prices, then you can search over the internet to get a quote for the website development cost in Dubai.